Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Baik dan buruk kos2 yg ditawarkan d UTP

salam 2all..

kite mulakan bacaan blog ngan surah al-fatihah....

erm... here i am...the green people a.k.a fiona ( ShRek beloved wife)..

first of all, at first, i enterd this blog competition is juz because of the marks ( coursework mark + 2.5%) { sape x nak markah lebih kan..) but not anymore... i guess dis is juz a part of sharing sessian rite... like one of the famous quote by UTPians.. sharing is caring... (selalunye tyme berhajat).

hurm.. because this is more like sharing session, i guess let me make it in bahasa...why..?

1. my english is so bad.. some people said...macam bahase jermen...
2.Bahasa Malaysia is lingua franca, which is widely and commonly used...once upon a time...@ long2 time ago...
3.This is mother tounge..purely...
4.Proud to be Malaysian....


In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful...
(dgn nama Allah yg maha pemurah lagi maha penyayang)

topic of the day...

jurutera (engineers), ahli perniagaan dan orang2 IT(teknologi...
sumbangan mereka terhadap sume bende... baik da buruknya..

1. JURUTERA PETROLEUM a.ka petroleum engineer

1.sume bende yg ade kat sekeliling kite nie mesti ade yg dperbuat dr petrolem... cth yg plg senang..plastic, lipstik, mouse komputer nie, baju...dan banyak lagi aaa....Obviously minyak krete...tampe minyak, tidak dapat ku bayangkan hidupku seperti ape... nak makan pun kene gune daun pisang la setiap hari... (save the enviroment sikit).

2.Gaji bapak besar...korek2 bumi, keluarkan minyak, buat refinery, R&D wat research..edit2 sket.. jadi aa die bende yg multipurpose use..

3.Lahirlah PETRONAS keluaran bumiputera, majulah Malaysia...

wah.. bnyk betul kebaikan jd graduan jurutera petroleum...


1. Kepada bakal2 isteri2 @ suami jurutera petroleum... bwk2 bersabar... berbulan2 nnt dieorg kat rig... kerje je... naik helikopter x ajak korang pown... duk la rumah sambil shopping2.. duet kan byk...

2. kerje korek mengorek ni sbnrnye merosakan bumi je.. mane x jd bencana alam.. sebenarnye da tertulis dlm kitab bahawasanye... bumi ni tlh dijadikan-Nya sempurna, tiada cacat-celanye.. segalanye berpasang2an... (cthnye mlm & siang, langit & bumi, laki & perempuan dll).. kirenye, kalau kte keluarkan minyak..sian aa compliment kpd minyak tue.. da x de psngan...(x tau apakah psngn minyak.. sila rujuk kpd mereka yg amek kos PE)

3.kirenye dosenye agak besa aa kan sbb rosakan bumi...(tp dosa pahala allah yg tentukan).. apepun mencegah lebih baik dr merawat.. fikir2kanlah wahai jurutera petroleum...

4.Save the world 4 our grandchildren....

JURUTERA AWAM a.k.a civil engineers..

1. pertame2 sekali dah tentu bangga adenye KLCC.. tinggi tue... kalau lif rosak baru tau betape hebat jurutera awam nie.. bkn senang nak buat bangunan...laluan elektrik kene betol.. saliran air tuk toilet kene betul... aliran udara kene betul.. sume lah kene betul dan tepat.. bayangkan kalau salah satu tu tersilap.. alamak... sedih aa pembeli bangunan... bole bankrup bayar maintanence...

2.paling2 tak pun bersyukur aa ade bdk2 civil nie... dpt duduk kat rumah yg selesa...
(tapi kalau x pun x pe.. bole ade buat rumah mcm rumah tarzan.. best tue... back 2 nature)..


1. ade satu je buruknye setakat ni yg boleh difikirkan...

berdasarkan Dewan Pustaka Fajar, buku hadith 40, writter nye Mustafa 'Abdul Rahman...
hadith yg kedua...

....Maka khabarkan kepadaku darihal hari Qiamat.... Rasulullah menjawab : Tanda2nya itu ialah
bila hamba2 tlh melahirkan tuannya dan engkau lihat org2 yg tidak berkasut, tidak berpakaian, miskin, pengembala kambing (berbangga-bangga) MENEGAKKAN DAN MENINGGI-NINGGIKAN BINAAN...

huh... x dpt nak eloborate.. kang salah susah nak jwb.. tp rasenye korang boleh faham2 sendirikan...

JURUTERA KIMIA a.k.a chemical engineer.

1. Ulasannye lebih kurang macam jurutera petroleum.. cume jurutera kimia nie bagus lagi sket je.. sbb bidang dieorg lebih luas... tp kalau yg da ade major tue fikir2kan sendiri keyh.. nnt panjang sgt...

2. kalau dieorng beli mknn segera, dieorg faham ape ingredients yg ade sebenarnye.. cthnye.. sodium bikarbonat, asid pyrofosfat, disodium diphosphate dll...(cth nie diambil dr tin biskut). sbg wakil org biase yg x amek kimia, mmg x faham apekah yg dibaca. adakah ianya tidak elok untk kesihatan, atau sebaliknye...(main beli je).. Alangkah beruntungnye mereka...


1.kehidupan yg teramat2 membosankan kalau x abes2 wat reseach kat lab pasal chemical reaction. campur bahan A & B = C.. kalau jd trus experiment x pe.. tp realitinye... hehe.. usaha tangga kejayaan.. learn from mistakeSSss

2.side effect bhn2 kimia kat kesihatan x perlu nak cerita.. yg kat palestine gune serbuk putih tuk seksa org tu kerje bdk2 kimia la tue.. itulah akibatnye kalau menyalahgunakan akal yg telah diberikan..

JURUTERA MEKENIKAL a.k.a mechanical engineer


1.Adenye mesin2 yg memudahkan hidupku... cth yg terbaik.. kereta.. kenape? hahaha... (tp dulu benz dulu x de ijazah kejuruteraan mekenikal pown kowt).. apepun terima kaseh yea mrk2 yg edit2 n outer2 kereta nie.. ade variasi dlm pemilihan...

2. Selain kereta, bnyk sgt yg bole disumbangkan kpd manusia sejagat...dah tak terkata...


1. bile fikir je mesin2 nie, teringat cite saw...(pernah tgk saw4 je) ganas yg teramat. sampai tahap diluar tabii' manusia normal.. sape lah cipta mesin2 ganas tue...

2.kebanyakkan mesin yg korang buat digunakan dr besikan...x kesah aa ape jenis besi pun.. tp...kalau asyik gune besi je... abes aa sumber bumi nie.. die n=bende yg x boleh diperbaharui..huhu...

JURUTERA ELEKTRIK a.k.a electric & electrical engineer (x tau beza elektrik n elektrikal...huhu..)


1.Alhamdullillah... setiap malam bile stay up nak study ade lampu sebagai peneman , bile terasa panas ade kipas yg berputar, bile nak buat blog nie ade plug dan elekrtik(chewah..)segala puji bagiMu ya Allah..telah kau kurniakan akal dan kebolehan bg hamba2mu untuk memudahkan kehidupan sekalian makhluk...


1.bile terjadinye lintar pintas... astagfirullahahazim... seelok2 binaan hangus begitu shj... (tp tue sebenarnye kuasa Allah.. jgn nak pertikaikan)..Cume korang kene aa stadi btul2, dpt 4 pointer, boleh kurangkan careless mistake. kurang lintar pintas.. jimat bnyk duet...

2.antara fakta menarik yg boleh dikogsi bersama.. mayat yg plng wangi ialah mayat yg mati hangus, tp mayat yg plng busuk islah mayat yg lemas dlm air (kirenye jasad mayat tue terendam lame aa).. sudah bersediakah anda sekiranye nyawa anda ditarik pada bile2 masa dan pada apa2 keadaan sekalipun.. kurangkan maksiat dan banyakanlah ibadah... demi kebahagian dunia dan akhirat..(eh..ape nie.. da kua topik lak.. x pe.. tugas s'orng hamba ilah saling ingat mengingati)

GRADUAN ICT a.k.a information/communication technology


1. adenye e-learning...boleh la kte tgk2 nota kalau tertinngal lecture @ tutor @ lab... ade back up plan... result still bole maintain..

2.Dunia tampa sempadan dengan ICT...bole membeli belah dengan hanya berpakaian baju tido...ape yg perlu ialah laptop, internet dan nombor akaun. Adenye 3 bende pntng nie, segalanye beres...

3Gosip dr hujung dunia bole update x sampai seminit (tapi kalau kat UTP mungkin kene bersabar sedikit).

4.pendek kate segalanye boleh dgn ICT nie.. kalau nak list semua mmg x ckp masa...


1.smkn ramai org mempunyai masalah kesihatan yg kritikal.. asyik dok dpn lap top je.. rabun mate powernye bertambah, makan x exsercise berat lak bertambah, duduk x bangun2 tumbuh bisul, tangan gerak setempat , sakit2 sendi pulak... dan macam2 lagi lah gejala...

2.OBsess game tahap dewa... sape yg x pernah main game kt pc nie kire cam tipu aa kan... kurang2 pernah main solitare...yg obsess tue.. cam counter strike, dota, the sims, 02mania dll tue x yah cte... bkn nak kutuk @ umpat.. tp kalau da asyik main game je, stadi nye x, buat kerje pun x, ape gune hidup..

3. bnyk kes cam rakam video tampe pengatahuan tuan badan dll...yg jd mangsa siape?? org yg teraniaya la... cam kes2 hangat.. takut lak nak ltk name.. kene ISA x psl2 nnt...

4.kirenye buruknye pun same bnyk aa dgn baiknye.... kalau list sume, abes space nie karang....

rasenye sampai sini je kowt dulu... nnt kalau ade mase free nnt bole diedit2 lagi... kpd siape2 yg terase @ seangkatan dgnnye mintak maaf ye..nie lahir dr hati yg tulus ikhlas...

kite akhirkan blog ni dgn tasbih kaffarrah dan surah al-ashr.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Buy New vs Keep Old. Which is better for the environment?

Is it better to drive an old well-maintained car rather than buy a new car, just because it is faster?

Environmentally speaking, it is better to keep the old one instead of getting a new car just for the sake of speed. There are a lot of environmentally significant costs of manufacturing a new car and putting your old one in the junk metal heap. According to the analysis made by Toyota in 2004, a typical gasoline-powered car emits 28% of its carbon dioxide during its manufacturing process and and during its transportation to the dealer. The remaining 72% carbon-dioxide is emitted after it is purchased and used. Dismantling and

Regardless, whether you decide to sell the car or disposing of it before buying a new one, there will always be a huge amount of environmental impact by both. Selling the car means the carbon dioxide emissions from the old car will continue by the new user and you, by buying a new car has already contributed to increasing the percentage of carbon dioxide existing in the atmosphere. Dismantling and disposing of the metal scraps of your car also contributes to putting the environment to danger.

Of course, then one would turn to the hybrid and electric cars that are so-called environment friendly. This is only half true. The manufacturing process of these hybrid cars actually have a much larger environmental impact compared to non-hybrids. Despite their advertised lower emissions and better gas mileage. The batteries that store energy for the drive train are no friend to the environment—and having two engines under one hood increases manufacturing emissions. And all-electric vehicles are only emission-free if the outlet providing the juice is connected to a renewable energy source, not a coal-burning power plant, as is more likely.

I am not saying hybrid and electric cars are not at all an option. The mass-market gasoline-electric hybrids made by Toyota, Honda and others make use of an electric engine right under the hood next to the gas engine. That electric motor creates fuel economy by kicking into use during idling, backing up, slow traffic, and to maintain speed after the gas engine has been employed for acceleration. The car doesn’t need to be plugged in because the on-board electric battery is constantly being charged by the gas engine and by the motion of the wheels and the brakes.

Proponents claim that such “gas-optional” cars—if you don’t take long trips you can rely entirely on the electric motor—can be twice as fuel efficient as hybrids, which already get double the gas mileage of traditional vehicles. Additionally, they say, powering up plug-in hybrids with wall sockets results in far less pollution (from the power plants providing the electricity) than an equivalent gasoline-powered car spews out its tailpipe. Meanwhile, plug-in hybrids recharged from rooftop solar power systems might approach being the world’s first mass-market “zero emission” vehicles, requiring no power from the grid at all.

If you simply must change your vehicle, be it for fuel efficiency or any other reason, one option is to simply buy a used car that gets better gas mileage than your existing one. There’s much to be said, from many environmental vantage points, about postponing replacement purchases—of anything, not just cars—to keep what’s already made out of the waste stream and to delay the additional environmental costs of making something new.

And if you don't mind your pocket light, why not invest in one of those hybrid/ electric cars?

Monday, February 16, 2009

ugh, what that? its so smelly!

Last semester break, we the green people went for a trip to Melaka. We booked the hotel online, and it was very cheap and nicely decorated. Sadly, the website didn't mention that the hotel was located next to a huge "loji kumbahan" and only god knows how smelly it was. The purpose of a vacation is to relax rite? But there was NO way we could relax with the awful smells wafting into our hotel room all the time. I'm sure the other customers are also very bothered by it.

You see, smells that come from these kind of sources are also a source of air pollution. Such as pile of garbage, the smell of the fumes from run-down buses and many others. Air pollution can also be caused by the smokes that come from vehicles, open-fires, cigarrettes and many more. Air pollution is also associated with smog, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and the"holes" in the ozone layer that is caused by clorofluorocarbon.

Air pollution affects our environment badly. First of all, to the human race. Bad air means bad ventilation in our body systems. Our body would not be able to acquire fresh oxygen as we would be inhaling more toxins rather than O2. Everyone knows how important the oxygen is for our body, for our mind, for our blood circulation. When we inhale toxic gases from vehicle fumes and such, the carbons inside the fumes invade our body and caused our body to get sick. Our body can suffer from normal cough to lung cancer. The effect of inhaling toxic fumes's effects can also be like when you start smoking. The toxics will invade out blood circulation system and slowly destroy our body little by little. The fact that most Malaysians prefer to take their own vehicles to go anywhere instead of carpooling or taking public transportation also doesn't help.

This could be us in another 50 years.

Another type of air pollution is the release of noxious gases such as sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxides, and other chemical vapors. The release of these gases cause smog and acid rain to fall, therefore destroying a lot of sickness and destruction.

Air pollution can also cause something that we call "the greenhouse effect". In other words, it is also called global warming caused by the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. As the amount of carbon dioxide increases, the heat trapped in the surface of the earth and rises the earth's temperature. Even the smallest changes in temperature would affect the earth in a huge way. The ice at antartica is melting these days, causing the sea level to increase. This is a major catastrophe.

Poor polar bear....he can't even find a place to stand. Everything has melted!

So, from smelly industrial plants to vehicle fumes, even the smallest thing could cause a major catastrophe. I might even loose my pet plant. :(